Our contribution to your success
For many women, incorporating Trintellix into their mental health regimen is just one piece of a comprehensive treatment puzzle. Rather than relying solely on medication, many find that combining Trintellix with various therapies offers a more rounded and effective approach to managing their mental health concerns. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), for instance, is frequently partnered with Trintellix to tackle thought patterns that medication alone might not address. By integrating these therapies, women can build robust coping mechanisms while also experiencing the relief that Trintellix offers for major depressive symptoms. Nutrition and exercise regimes are also key components. Changes in diet and consistent physical activity have been shown to improve mood and overall well-being, providing a valuable complement to the pharmaceutical benefits of Trintellix.Trintellix buy online.
- Efficient production of financial statements and tax filings
- Calculation of profit and loss of your operations
- Optimization of taxes and dues, multi-year planning if required
- Payroll and personnel administration
- Controlling
- Access to our network of partners
Accounting services
Does your accounting system have to be updated on a daily basis? We recommend Internet-based accounting systems, with the option of a digitalized archive. Bank accounts would be linked to your accounting in order to facilitate data exchange. We use bexio or Sage for realtime accounting, locally or web-based, whereas cloud accounting offers customized collaboration between us and you without exchanging data through Email and other means.
If a yearly update of your accounting covers your needs we manage your accounting using Accounting Software Banana. Your yearly sales figures is less than CHF 500’000: we may omit double accounting and produce a simple statement of income, expenses, depreciation and lump sump charges and credits.
Financial reporting and taxes
In order to reduce your tax bill we make us of the tolerance margin at hand.
Besides of statutory reports we may establish breakdowns on cost and expenses for each product or service.
Personnel and payroll administration
You lack the knowledge for managing paperwork related to your employees? You do not have time for following up on your administrative chores?
Save time, avoid the traps posed by employment law and outsource your employment and payroll administration. Consult us on a detailed offer, possibly on a lump sum basis.
Budget- and Liquidity Planning
Narrow margins and limited working capital are probably also your constraints.
An accurate planning of your liquidity flow is indispensable in order to reach your financial goals. We assist you with the implementation.
Other services for SME
We are pleased to assist you with
- Incorporation of your business
- Change of the legal form
- Restructurations
- Sale or finding a successor of your business
Do you require fiduciary services while processing transactions of any type? We are ready to assist.